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Do You Have to be a Certain Age to have Dentures

When you think of dentures, you may envision elderly patients seeking appropriate options for tooth replacement. However, are these tooth replacements only available to people of a certain age? Our dentists at Richmond explain who is a good candidate for this treatment.

For whatever reason, many individuals of every age are missing at least some or all of their natural teeth. If this is true for you, replacing your missing teeth with full or partial dentures may be the best option. You may be pleased to know that no age restriction exists when it comes to identifying whether you'd be a good candidate for dentures. In this post, we'll explore some of the reasons patients get dentures at an early age and what you can expect. 

Why would I need dentures at an early age? 

Dentures have become more popular as tooth replacement options over the last few decades, regardless of the reason. Some have poor oral health as a result of a poor diet or too many sugary beverages, while others have lost teeth as a result of medical conditions.

Depending on their circumstances, requirements and individual assessment from their dentist, some patients will opt for dentures over dental implants, which can be expensive. 

Are there any risks for dentures that I should beware of?

Dentures are no more dangerous for patients in their 30s, 40s, or younger than they are for older patients. Your dentist may recommend medication if you have diseased or decayed teeth. If this is the case for you, you may be prescribed antibiotics to control the bacteria in your teeth and gums that could enter your bloodstream otherwise.

What should I know about getting dentures at an early age?

Dentures are a significant procedure regardless of your age, as you will almost certainly require tooth extraction. As the supporting bone structure deteriorates, the appearance of your face changes over time, eventually resulting in a "caved-in" appearance. If you lose teeth at a young age, this alteration occurs while you are still a child. Dentures will enable you to maintain the appearance of healthy skin and avoid the sallow appearance caused by the absence of teeth behind the cheek skin. Additionally, smooth, well-supported skin on the cheeks can help you look younger for an extended period.

No matter what age you receive dentures, upper dentures should be more comfortable to adapt to than lower dentures.

Dentures can improve your oral health regardless of your age when you receive them. Dentures can help you achieve a healthier face, a more attractive smile, and improved speech. Additionally, you may find eating easier.

Would you like to learn more about dentures and whether you would be a good candidate? Contact your Richmond dentist at Saba Road Dental Center today. We can book a consultation to provide advice. 

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